Dr. Errol Reese started his pursuit of higher education at Fairmont State and after completing his undergraduate degree in two years, he went on to earn a degree in dentistry. Errol’s mother attended the Fairmont State Normal School, and his father was very supportive of Fairmont State. Both he and Dr. Patricia Reese had lifetime careers as dental professors and university administrators. Both Errol and Patricia have always believed in the great importance of higher education. They both have children and grandchildren with doctoral degrees. Both have spent a great deal of time in higher education in their own careers. Patricia serves on the Council of Regents at Loyola University and has been for 21 years. Her daughter is about to join her on the council, something she is very excited about experiencing together.
Errol and Patricia have established a similar fund at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and they are excited to provide this opportunity for faculty and staff at Fairmont State through the Falcon Mini-Grant Program. Errol has a history of leading and supporting faculty development throughout his career. During his time as the Dean of the College of Dentistry at UMB, he realized faculty would benefit from learning about preparing grant proposals, coordinating projects, and reporting on the outcomes – skills that are essential for faculty, especially at a small schools like Fairmont State. The Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs at Fairmont State University administers the Falcon Mini-Grant Program offering competitive grant awards to faculty and staff each academic year for the purpose of supporting institutional needs and providing opportunities to advance the mission of Fairmont State University. “The generosity of the Reese family will provide long-term support for the Falcon Mini-Grant program,” said Christy Burner, Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs at Fairmont State. “This program helps our faculty and staff develop skills and gain confidence in grant writing, which increases our capacity as a campus to secure more external funding for special projects and initiatives.” Grant proposals are reviewed by a selection committee to assess significance of need, alignment with Fairmont State University’s mission, innovation and creativity, and cost effectiveness. Any faculty or staff member is eligible to apply for a Falcon Mini-Grant ranging from $500 to $3,000 Awarded funds may be used for a variety of purposes including research projects, special programs, lab equipment, or professional development. Comments are closed.
February 2025